Welcome Sue Ann!
With four Odelia Grey mysteries under your belt, you’ve turned to writing a new sub-genre—paranormal mysteries.
In the first book, “Ghost a la Mode”, Granny Apples convinces her three-times great granddaughter, Emma Whitecastle, to solve an old murder—Granny’s. Will Granny Apples figure as prominently in the future books? And who would you consider the main character, Granny Apples or Emma Whitecastle?
Granny will be in all of the future books. After all, it is her series, even if the main protagonist really is Emma. But they are definitely a team.
Was it difficult to make an otherworldly figure like Granny Apples believable?
It was my goal from the outset to make Granny Apples and all the ghosts in the books as believable as possible. That is one of the reasons why Emma is the main sleuth. I thought it would be more realistic if the living part of the team actually did the investigation, aided by the ghost. Basically, I write the ghosts as if they are still alive, but with modifications to allow for the fact that they are not. They don’t have superpowers and retain the personalities they had when alive.
With two different series on your plate (not to mention a full time job), how do you keep up the pace? Do you work on both series at the same time, or finish one book and then “change hats”?
I’m able to keep up by sticking to a writing schedule. That’s the key – making a schedule and sticking to it. I write almost everyday, mostly in the mornings. I often work on two projects at a time, but one is always the main focus and usually that’s the book with the upcoming deadline. I like to carve out some time in the week to work on the other project, like one designated evening. That way, it continues to move along even though my main focus is on a different manuscript. When the main book is done and off to my publisher, I’m not starting from scratch on the next book when it becomes the main project. So far, that has worked well for me and it’s surprising how much I get done on that one designated evening.
Many mystery heroines include descriptions such as petite, bountiful red hair, and leggy. It’s obvious from the Odelia Grey series’ success that your heroine appeals to readers, but was a plus-sized paralegal a hard sell to publishers?
Yes, in some ways it was. My agent and I received quite a few rejections before Midnight Ink picked it up. Publishers often felt it wouldn’t appeal to enough readers, and one said they’d already had a plus size series and it didn’t do well. Midnight, though, was willing to take a chance on Odelia and it has paid off for both of us.
You self-published your first Odelia Grey and then marketed the heck out of it, catching the eye of publishers. Would you recommend this route to other writers?
No, I would not. It was a very difficult road to take and the climate towards self-published novels has definitely taken a turn in a more negative direction. And it almost did not work for me. In fact, it nearly tanked my series. Several publishers were not interested in my Odelia Grey series because it had been previously self-published. Who knows, they might have bought it had it not been.
Marketing seems to be your middle name, an advantage as publisher’s publicity budgets shrink. Would you offer other authors advice on how to get their books out to the buying public?
Wow, there are so many ways to reach readers these days, but the most cost effective seems to be having an internet presence. That was how I marketed my self-published books. Social networks like Facebook are invaluable for directing people to your personal blog and books, but there’s a fine line between good promotion and being obnoxious about it. There are so many authors, mostly first timers, on these networks who need to take a course is networking courtesy. Bombarding people with your books is a sure fire way to alienate readers, not gain them. These networks should be used to help people get to know you and your work, not be hit over the head with constant sales pitches.
Another great way to market a book, which also worked for me, is to find a special niche and contact groups dedicated to that niche. For example, I do a lot of public speaking to paralegals, legal secretaries, etc. Odelia and I are both paralegals, so that is a natural group for me to contact. It has been very successful.
Odelia is married by the fourth book in the series. I remember how the television series “Moonlighting” went downhill once Dave and Maddie got together. Did you worry that tying Odelia to one man would disappoint readers looking for sexual tension and romance?
In Odelia’s case, no. Most of my readers love that Odelia married Greg. At first, I thought about dragging the sexual tension and love triangle out for several books, but I don’t always enjoy that in other series I’ve read, so didn’t want to follow that usual pattern. It can seem forced and unnatural if taken too far. When Odelia started dating Greg Stevens, she was in her late forties. In real life, a woman of that age would not normally play the field and juggle a couple of suitors, and Odelia wasn’t the sort to bed hop. A few books into the series she would have to make a decision, Greg or Dev or neither.
Will the Granny Apples series appeal to readers who are already fans of the Odelia Grey mysteries?
I believe so and it seems they have already embraced Granny and Emma. Some think it’s better than the Odelia books and others think the Odelia books are better, but most seem to be enjoying both series, which pleases me a great deal. Also, there are now many paranormal mystery readers who are discovering Odelia and enjoying her adventures. I enjoy giving my readers a variety without tampering with the first series. And it allows me to stretch my wings a bit.
What’s next for Sue Ann Jaffarian?
More stretching of my wings. I have been developing a vampire mystery series and have been offered a 3-book deal on it. Negotiations are currently underway and, if all goes well, I will be releasing a vampire mystery series in the fall of 2011.
I never thought in a million years that I’d write a vampire series. I mean, so many others already do it so well. But I had an idea for a different spin on the genre and ran it past my agent and a few others. They absolutely loved my idea, so I developed a proposal and several sample chapters and it sparked a lot of interest.
Thank you so much for having me on your blog!

Here is the busiest lady in town. Sue Ann is a role model for aspiring writers and to those with a book or two under their belt. And each of her series is enchanting, exciting, and fun. I know the new vampire series will be terrific, too. Thanks for dropping by, Sue Ann.
Sue Ann! You are amazing. Thanks so much for your very thoughtful ideas--and sharing your experiences.
ReplyDeleteVampires..yikes. Can't wait to read it! Can you tell us more? (It's not a plus size vampire, is it?)
Hope our paths cross in person soon...
Nope, not a plus size vampire. LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd my publisher changed the release date from Sept. 2010 to Sept. 2011!!! Yikes!
Sue Ann, you are one amazing lady! Wow, three series at one time and I know you have a full-time job too. Wow!
I really like the titles of Sue Ann's books. "Ghost A La Mode" sounds like something I'd order on a dessert menu. And I like the main character being big, makes her more human. The paralegal world is a funny one, "hurry up and wait" and get going without talking a breathe is the order of the day. Wish you every success.
ReplyDeleteWell, I certainly love ghost stories. And a vampire series too. Tell us more about it. Wow.
Sue Ann, your well-deserved success proves that the appeal of Odelia extends well beyond whatever "niche" of plus-sized readers a short-sighted publisher might have imagined.
ReplyDeleteI was initially attracted by the sense of humor implicit in your book titles as well as by the promise of an independent woman protagonist who doesn't apologize for her weight.
Now, as a dedicated Odelia fan, I'm looking forward to meeting Granny Apples and anything else you write. Your characters are a hoot!
Love ya', Chris